
Join us as we recap of our adventures at New York Comic Con (including our tale of playing good cop/bad cop at the Sleepy Hollow Panel), interviewing Marguerite Bennett and last, but not least, Sleepy Hollow episode 2.4, “Go Where I Send Thee.”

Find out what’s “like the plot of a porno,” why we want Ichabod to go to Olive Garden, our theories about how Ichabod’s bone flute led Abbie to the Pied Piper, and why little Sarah Lancaster-Weiss is probably going to need therapy for the rest of her life.

Here’s what you missed last time around:

Sleepy Hollow: Root of All Evil

So it turns out that it’s money?

What up next:

Our podcast for Sleepy Hollow episode 2.5 — “The Weeping Lady…”  We’ll be tracking the entire season of Sleepy Hollow and ringing in the midseason break with a very special Outlander episode!

As always, you can always catch us on our tumblr or on itunes under Fat Pink Cast: Sleepy Pink Cast!